Prime Soluções is a company that takes modern and functional tools for other companies to evolve their infrastructure and management model, improving their performance and achieving better results .

Automation and Commercial Management
Controlling your stock, assertively defining your product mix, buying them at the best prices and pricing them correctly are some of the daily retail challenges to ensure your profitability and we can help you with this through an excellent Commercial management.

B2B Ordering and E-commerce System
The practicality of a good tool speeds up the work of your sales force in issuing orders and generating performance indicators.
We have resources to facilitate decision making and facilitate your customer's shopping routine, improving your results.

Tax audit
Did you know that through product registration errors you may be paying more taxes than you should? And the worst: you may be paying less, which characterizes “evasion”. We can audit your registration and keep you updated day by day.

of Cards
We know that the vast majority of retail sales are currently received through credit, debit and ticket cards, but do you check your receipts? Do you do this in a practical and fast way?
We have the ideal tool and we will give you full control over what you receive in cards.

Inteligência de Vendas
A tecnologia está mudando o comportamento de compra dos consumidores e os trazendo para o universo digital. A sua loja está preparada pra isso? Você quer vender mais ou vai deixar seus concorrentes serem mais eficientes e chegarem primeiro nos clientes?

Computers, Peripherals
and Network
As important as having a good Management System in your store is having a compatible hardware infrastructure, with a reliable network and well-sized equipment for every need. We offer an excellent cost-benefit ratio for the your company.

Despite all the efforts and experience accumulated at the head of a company, we know that the dynamism of the markets today can make some practices out of date. How about rethinking your company's management model and letting us collaborate in its evolution?

B2C E-commerce and Marketplace
Technology is changing consumers' buying behavior and bringing them into the digital universe. Is your store ready for this? Do you want to sell more or are you going to let your competitors be more efficient and get to customers first?
Access Control e

Today's world forces us to protect ourselves in different ways and your company is no different.
We have modern equipment for access control (turnstiles and locks with biometrics, time clocks, etc.) and high resolution cameras, accessible from your smartphone.